Check Engine

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Check Engine
what is it and how should I react

Check Engine is a light on the dashboard of a vehicle that indicates that the car’s internal combustion engine is not working properly. However, like any other electronics, the ECU can send a signal to the dashboard by mistake. Therefore, you should not panic and immediately call a tow truck to take the car to a service station.

Ignoring the problem is also not a solution. First, you need to figure out why the Check Engine light came on in the first place.

OK, so you’re driving down the road and your check engine light comes on. Odds are good it’s one of the 10 following reasons, according to the CarMD report. Now for the bad news. The cheapest fix is ​​$15. The most expensive – among the top 10 reasons – is replacing the catalytic converter at $1,153.

TOP 10 reasons
for check engine light

According to CarMD, the following are the 10 most common check engine light-related car repairs and associated average repair costs. left unrepaired, each of these problems will negatively impact fuel economy and harm the environment:

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5 reasons you may have
a check engine light on

1. Your oxygen (O2) sensor needs to be replaced.

Your oxygen sensor measures the amount of unburned oxygen in your vehicle’s exhaust system.

What happens if I don’t replace it?

2. Gas cap is loose, damaged, or missing. Your gas cap seals the fuel system and helps maintain pressure within the fuel tank. It also prevents gasoline fumes (hydrocarbons) from being released into the atmosphere while you aren’t driving your car. What happens if I don’t replace it?

3. You have a bad catalytic converter.

Your catalytic converter helps protect our environment by converting harmful carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide. Damage usually occurs due to neglected maintenance (like the parts in reasons # 1, 4, and 5).

What happens if I don’t replace it?

4. It’s time to replace your Mass Airflow Sensor (MAF).

Your mass airflow sensor measures the amount of air entering the engine to determine how much fuel is needed to run your engine efficiently.

What happens if I don’t replace it?

5. Your vehicle needs new Spark Plugs or Plug Wires.

Your spark plugs ignite the air/fuel mixture in the combustion chamber of your vehicle. The spark plug wires deliver the spark from the ignition coil to the spark plugs.

What happens if I don’t replace it?

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